How to setup multiple home pages in Firefox and IE

How to setup multiple home pages in Firefox

First off, go to Tools, and then Options from the top menu. Click on the Main or General tab.

firefox main tab

Now there are two ways you can setup multiple home pages in Firefox, an easy way and a more manual way. The manual way is to simply type bother URLs into the Home Page text box and separate them with the “|” or pipe symbol. The pipe symbol is usually above the Enter key on the keyboard.

So if I wanted to have and both set as startup home pages, I would type in the following:|

So your screen should look like this with the multiple URLs in the Home Page box:

firefox startup

And that’s it! Now when you open a new instance of Firefox, both of the tabs will appear! Sweet! Now there’s also an easier method of doing the same thing and that is to Use Bookmark.

Basically, if you have a folder of bookmarks in Firefox and you want to set all of them as your startup home pages, just click the Use Bookmark button and select the entire folder.

use bookmark

Whichever bookmarks you have stored in that folder will automatically be placed into the Home Page text box separated by the pipe symbol. So you can use either method to get multiple start pages in Firefox!

How to setup multiple home pages in IE

Adding more than one site to your start up home pages in IE is also super easy! Basically, go to the site you want to add and then click on the down arrow next to the Home Page icon in IE that’s to the right hand side:

add or change homepage

When you click on that, you’ll get the option to change your current home page to the new page or to simply add this webpage to your home page tabs.

add to home page tabs

Obviously, choose the second option and now you’ll get multiple tabs appear when you start up Internet Explorer also!

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